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March, 2009:

Ignacio Ignacious

So, I’m at the UCLA Medical Center getting my wrist-arthrogram on. My wrist is crazy swollen all filled with the Barium injection stuff. At least I think it’s Barium. Anyway, it’s a good time.

Sounds like there’s nothing wrong. Great. So, I guess that means it’s been on-and-off hurting for like 2 years for no reason? I guess it was virtually immovable for a week and a half for no reason too. Son of a goat. Anyway, say a little prayer for me and a healthy wrist. I gotta get this figured out. I’m too young to be this old.

Papillon Parade

I just really liked this image after listening to Masterfade by Andrew Bird.

Papillion Parade

Nathaniel and Daffyd


I’m not really much of a fan of American Idol.  Though, my roommate Ricky loves it.  Each time I’ve seen the constestant Nathaniel Marshall, I’ve been subtly reminded of the Little Britain character Daffyd, the self-pronounced “Only Gay in the Village.”  Nathaniel just seems to be trying way too hard.  Piercings, odd clothing, ear-studs, headbands, tattoos and a downright boisterous personality.  I’m just saying there’s a resemblance between the two.

Gibson SG

So, I picked my guitar last night after probably over a year.  It was nice to realize that I still have very aspect of “Say it Ain’t So” and “Everlong” memorized.  I even took the time to learn a new song.  Oh, I’ve missed my guitar.


Perhaps more interesting was my distant, nostalgia about “Everlong.”  I hope to be there someday about… honestly… so many things.  It gave me hope.  I am also reminded of “The Longest Winter” every other day or so and how I felt after Melissa broke me down and ended me emotionally for about a year or so.  I hopt that’s not where I am, though, here it is 7 months later and I’m still a mess.   Time will heal all things, I suppose.  Waiting on hope…

Parallel Perks


Imagine, if you will, the mischievous smirk I witnessed on the face of a young woman this evening as she watched her significant other attempt to parallel park on 10th Street in Santa Monica.  She was quite amused by his ineptitude.  I laughed (and smirked myself) at her good humour.  He was not a good parallel park-er.