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August 5th, 2006:

Civilization IV

This game is awesome. Civilization IV, the fourth of this name by Sid Meier, is better in every way from Civilization III. I didn’t pick up Civ III until almost a year after it came out. Even then it felt, as one review I read, complicated. Sure, you say, every Civilization game has to be complicated. However, when the complication gets in the way of having a good time playing the game, then its not fun complicated, its just complicated complicated.


The Hanging Garden


Civilization IV appears to be much more streamlined. The workers appear to be more intelligent (if you set the don’t tear up my prior improvements box) and and the AI fighting is a little better. Also of note in another review I read, Sid has said that the AI in Civ IV, for the first time in the game’s history, is not allowed to cheat. In previous Civ’s, the AI would, basically, see the whole map, all relevant resources, and would always know how many units you have in each city. Now, they only have access to the information you do (or they discover on their own). Its noticable at times, the AI attacking cities that they are certain to lose or cities that are not your weakest.

All in all, however, its a great game. I plan on playing it tomorrow for a few hours with friends after a much-needed sleep.

Dreamhost + WordPress = Fun!

So, I had that Blogger.com blog set up to upload to my own site via FTP. It was pretty sweet, I must say, but I was hankering for a more “robust” shall we say, hosting and blogging opportunity. Who knows if I’ll continue to keep typing here. I don’t know if I’m the type to do this sorta thing anyway, but either way, I have a nice hosted website with multiple options for what to do with it now.  I was up all night, almost, fiddling with stuff, but its alot of fun for a wierdo like me.
In other news, I’m hoping to help Heidi set up a few sites today. She’s got a few domains parked, so they might as well be hosted, right? I know she has some fun ones, so we’ll see if we can’t set up a blog for her or maybe something else if she’d prefer.

First week of work went well. It was tough making much billable with Mike out of town. He’s the primary source of my work and I pounded through the things that were due soon. Most of them still require his approval, so he’ll have a pile of stuff to look at when he gets back. He’s enjoying the World Championship of Poker in Vegas. Apparently he’s doing very well. I guess I’ll have to hear all about it when he gets back.

Until next time…